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What is LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® and How Can It Help Tune Your Strategy?

by Brianna Sylver

“I feel like we have all the puzzle pieces for our strategy, but, with the way things are changing, we just can’t put them together right and move forward.”

Heard this before? Sound like something you’ve said about your own company’s strategy?

If so, our guess is that you’ve got a PLANNED strategy that you’re working with…but not one that supports #EMERGENCE.

Let’s face it, we live in an emergent world right now. Issues and technologies and competitive threats and possibilities are arising to create unforeseen circumstances more rapidly than ever before. Even more important, that accelerated pace of change doesn’t seem to be letting up. Emergence isn’t a rarity any more. Now it’s practically a daily occurrence.

That’s why we are excited to share LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® and the role it can play in tuning a company’s planned strategy for performance in these times of accelerating change.


It helps orgs to:

Dynamically survey their own competencies, #discovering where they are uniquely able to compete compared to competitors and where they might be more vulnerable to market disruption.

Articulate where existing synergies need to be augmented to expand competitiveness and where fixes need to be focused to clear roadblocks.

Define #coreprinciples to guide them as they navigate the accelerated change that is so widespread in our world today.

LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® is NOT meant to replace more traditional approaches to planned strategy (i.e., market segmentation, GTM strategy), but rather, to complement them. It does so by turbocharging managerial teams—making them more coherent, more cohesive, and more collaborative in executing the strategic plan you’ve sweated over.

So, our question to you is this:

How much could your business accelerate if the siloed teams and processes of your org started to really connect and work in concert?

What growth #goals could you break through once you’ve identified and prioritized which effectiveness blockers and #teamwork barriers to tackle first, second, third, etc.?

What could you accomplish if your planned strategy flexed in the right way as new threats and #challenges emerge?

Learn more about how LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® might make your strategy perform even in an era of constant, emergent change.

About the Author

Brianna Sylver is the founder and President of Sylver Consulting. She focuses on helping clients identify, create and execute on their visions for growth. An innovation strategist and worldwide speaker, educator, and facilitator of innovation process, Brianna has a reputation in the industry as an “innovation leader within the innovation movement.” She holds a BFA in communication design from the University of Buffalo and a master's degree in human-centered communication design and design strategy (MDES) from the Institute of Design at IIT.

  • 2023
  • Collaboration
  • Qualitative Research
  • Methods

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